
Posted in Poem on July 10, 2019 by CHANDRU

நாதன் இல்லாதிருந்ததார் நரன் நாராயணன்
நாதன் இல்லாததார்க்கு அடைக்கலமாயிருந்தான் நாராயணன்
பந்துக்கள் இருந்தும் ஒரு தனி மரமாம் நாராயணன்
ஆனால் நிஜ வாழ்வில் பலருக்கு தணல் மரமானான் நாராயணன்
அந்த அக்னீஸ்வரன் அருளால்ஆதவன் ஆனான் இவன் நாராயணன்
அந்த ஆண்ைவன் கை்ைடளயால் தமலாளர் ஆனான் இவன் நாராயணன்
என்டன நல்ல துடணவியுைன் இடணத்தான் நாராயணன்
திருமணத்டதயும் முடித்து தந்தான் இந்த நாராயணன்
என் சீமந்த புத்திரன் அடழத்தான் தாடி மாமா என்ற இந்த நாராயணடன
உன் சப்ததிக்கு நானில்டல நாராயாணா நாராயணா
உன் சப்ததி முடிந்து இன்று நீதய இல்டல நாராயணா
என் முதல் தமிழ் கவிடதக்கு காரணம் நீதய நாராயாணா
உன்டனதய நிடனத்து முடிக்கிதறன் நாராயணா



Pappaya Fruit of Angels

Posted in Natural Health, Uncategorized on April 11, 2010 by CHANDRU

Pappaya Fruit of Angels
Note: Data Collected from Websites/Internet, Courtesy to relevant authors

I do have a slice of this on daily basis, hence thought of sharing this with all of you.

The papaya, is the fruit of the Carica papaya tree

Papaya, a fruit native to tropical America, is unrivaled by any other fruit except the mango for its beta-carotene content. This is the plant form of vitamin A. Beta-carotene is a special vitamin which gives papaya its orange colour and has powerful antioxidant properties.We could see this at every back yard in Kerala.

Karnataka now contributes a major chunk of hybrid variety of seedless (little seeds) Pappaya.

It helps in preventing damage by free radicals which might other wise lead to some forms of cancer, heart disease, cataract and premature ageing. Eating papaya can also help prevent blindness caused by a deficiency in vitamin A. (This is the most common cause of blindness in India.) However, if eaten in excess, it can cause the yellowing of palms and skin known as carotenemia. Raw papaya contains no beta- carotene. Half a medium-sized fruit will provide an adult’s daily requirement of vitamin C as well as supply small amounts of calcium and iron. Raw papaya contains large amounts of vitamin C.

1)Papaya contains arginine which is known to be essential for male fertility
2) carpain, an enzyme thought to be good for the heart.
3)Papaya is a fruit high in fiber which lowers cholesterol levels,
4)Regularly consuming papaya helps to relieve morning sickness and nausea.
5)Papaya is very good for those who frequently suffer from cold, cough or flu because intake of papaya boosts the immune system.
6)The high concentration of Vitamin C and Vitamin A contained in papaya is very beneficial to strengthen the immune system.
7)Papaya is also very good for the hair and helps in controlling dandruff. Papaya shampoos are good for the hair and are available in many health stores.
8)Raw papaya also helps in reducing menstrual irregularities for women. Papaya helps to ease the condition by promoting natural flow of menstruation
9)Papaya cleans the stomach and studies have shown that papaya alone eaten for 3 to 4 days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines

The fruit is also known to have laxative properties because of its mucilageneous fibre. Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women need not avoid papaya for the fear of miscarriages. Rather it is a unique, wholesome and easily digestible fruit. What’s more is that papaya is an excellent choice for those suffering from digestive ailments, dyspeptic patients and convalescing individuals. Being low on calories, high on fibre and water content, as well as high on nutrition, it makes for wholesome eating with high satiety for weight watchers.

Raw papaya is a rich source of papain which is plant pepsin (an enzyme produced in animals to digest protein). Papain is capable of digesting protein in acid, alkaline or neutral mediums while animal pepsin requires an acidic medium. Because of this property, raw papaya is used to tenderise meats and is widely used by the food industry as a tenderiser. In some preliminary research, patients with coeliac disease, who could not digest wheat protein (gluten), have had benefits when treated with papain. However, many more clinical trials would be needed to justify its use in coeliac disease.

Papain also exhibits pain relieving properties, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its medical use in spinal injections in order to ease the discomfort of slipped discs. Juice of green, raw papaya is also used externally to improve complexion and treat skin blemishes. Some studies also suggest anti-candida effects (fungal infection) and anti-bacterial effects. These may aid the treatment of a candida infection and in wound healing and ulcer treatment. A recent study published in Journal of Medicinal Food found that papain has anti-ulcer properties too. The papain extracts significantly reduced the ulcer index in the experimental model.

Scientists have found that the black seeds of papaya contain, in traces, a toxic substance called carpine. Carpine in large quantities is said to lower the pulse rate and depress the nervous system. The substance is found only in papaya seeds and that too in very small quantities. Fortunately though, the fleshy part of the fruit is completely free from this toxic substance.
Some varieties remain green when ripe, but most turn deep yellow or orange. When buying, choose uniformly yellow fruit with a delicate scent. Papaya is excellent when fresh, in fruit salads, smoothies or served with ice cream. Papaya is also enjoyable when finely chopped and served with chopped fresh chilies in a salsa dip.

Agraharathil Alexa

Posted in Uncategorized on May 2, 2020 by CHANDRU

அக்ராஹாரத்தில் அலெக்சா (Alexa)

சாலா மாமி:  எச்சுமி, டீ எச்சுமி! என்ன – தூக்கமா இந்த அக்காலத்தில?

எச்சுமி: ஏய்!  அப்படி ஒண்ணுமில்லை. சும்மா படுத்துண்டு வாட்ஸப் பண்ணிண்டிருந்தேன். கரண்டு காலம்பரே போனது. இந்த சூடுல எப்படி தூங்க முடியும்?

சாலா மாமி:  என்னது? வாட்டர்பரிஸ் கோம்பௌண்டா?

எச்சுமி:  அத விடுங்கோ. ஒங்களுக்கு சொன்னா புரியாது.  என்ன விசேஷம்?

சாலா மாமி: என்ன உங்க அடுத்தாத்து சச்சுவ ரெண்டு நாளா காணவே இல்லையே?   ஊருக்கு கீருக்கு ஏதாவது போயிருக்காளா?

எச்சுமி:   இல்லயே. இங்கதான் இருக்கா. ஆனா, ஆத்துக்குள்ள இருந்து வெளில எறங்கவே இல்லை. ஆனா, என்னல்லாமோ சத்தம் கேக்கறது.

சாலா மாமி: ஓ! அப்படியா. என்ன சத்தம்?

எச்சுமி: அவ பிள்ளையிருக்கானே, அந்த பத்து. அவன் ஏவளயோ இழுத்துண்டு வந்திருக்கான்னு நினைக்கிறேன்.

சாலா மாமி:  என்னது? பொண்ணா? அது எப்படி சொல்லாராய்?

எச்சுமி: எப்ப பாத்தாலும் ஒரு பொண்ணோட பேரச்சொல்லிண்டிருக்கா.

சாலா மாமி: ஆமாம், அந்த குடும்பஸ்ரீ காரியும் அப்படிதான் டவுட் சொன்னா.  அதுனாலதான் நான் இங்க வந்தேன்.  நோக்குன்னா, எல்லார் ஷயமும் தெரியுமே!

எச்சுமி: அய்யோ! அப்படியெல்லாம் ஒண்ணுமில்லை. ஏதோ, கேட்டது சொன்னேன்.

சாலா மாமி: ஆமாம், அவ அப்படி என்னதான் பேசினது உனக்கு கேட்டது?

எச்சுமி:  ஏதோ அலெக்சா (Alexa) – அத பண்ணு, இத பண்ணுன்னு சொல்லிண்டிருக்கா. அதுல பாருங்கோ, அவளுக்கு தமிழ் பாட்டு கூட பாடத்தெரியும் போலிருக்கு.

சாலா மாமி:  அது எப்படி?

எச்சுமி: நான் சாப்பிட்டு கை அலம்பும்போது சொல்றது கேட்டேன். அலெக்சா, தமிழ் பாடுன்னு.  அவள் ஏதோ ஹுங்கமால  (Hungama) கரோக்கே போட்டு தமிழ் பாட்டு பாடறது கேட்டேன். குரல் நன்னாதான் இருக்கு. நம்ம சித்ராவோடு குரல் மாதிரியே இருக்கு.

சாலா மாமி: உனக்கு தெரியுமோ? அவள் நம்ம ஆள் இல்லைன்னு?

எச்சுமி: அவள் படிச்ச பொண்ணுதான். எடலே எடலே, இங்கிலிஷ் எல்லாம் என்னமோ சொல்லறா. எனக்கு சரியா கேக்கலை.

சாலா மாமி: எதுக்கு இப்படி கள்ளம் சொல்லாராய்? உனக்கு என்னிக்கு இங்கிலிஷ் புரிஞ்சிருக்கு அதுக்கு?

எச்சுமி:  அப்படி அல்லா. பேசினா ஓரளவுக்கு கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சம் புரியும்.  அத     விடுங்கோ. அவாத்து கிச்சு மாமா கேட்டது எதுக்கோ அவள் திரும்பி                           மாமனார்ன்னு கூட பாக்காம இங்கிலீஷுல பதில் சொல்லறது கேட்டுது.                   கலிகாலம் தான்.

சாலா மாமி: கொஞ்சம் செத்தம் குறைச்சு பேசு, ஆரோ வாரா.  ஓ! அந்த சச்சு தான்! அவள்ட நானே கேக்கறேன்.

எச்சுமி: மாமி, கொஞ்சம் சும்மா இருங்கோ.  நீங்க கேட்டு சண்டைய மூட்டி விட்டுடாதேங்கோ!

சச்சு: என்ன மாமி, எச்சுமிகிட்ட என்ன பேசிண்டிருக்கேள்?

சாலா மாமி: உன்ன பற்றித்தான்! ஓங்காத்தில ஆரு வந்திருக்கா? உன்ன ரெண்டு நாளா வெளிலேயே காணோம்?

சச்சு: ஆரும் வல்லயே! ஹோ! காலம்பற போன கரண்ட் வந்தாச்சு. இன்னிக்கு       சாயந்த்ரம் 6 மணிக்கு அப்பறம் நல்ல மழயும் பெய்யுமாம்.  இடியும்                         மின்னலும் இருக்குமாம்.

சாலா மாமி: வானம் இவ்வளவு தெளிஞ்சிருக்கு.  தீ கொளுத்தராமாதிரி வெயில் அடிக்கறது.  ஒங்கிட்ட ஆரு இத சொன்னா?

சச்சு: அது அலெக்சா சொன்னா.

சாலா மாமி: அதாரு? உன் மாட்டுப்பொண்ணா? பையன் இழுத்துண்டு  ஓடிவந்துட்டானா?

சச்சு: அய்யோ! அல்ல. அது வந்து என் பையன்….

சாலா மாமி: உன் பையன்..?

சச்சு:  அமேசான்ல இருந்து வாங்கின ஒரு சாதனமாக்கும்.  கரண்ட்லேயும் இன்டர்நெட்ட்லேயும் கணக்ட் பண்ணி – எப்ப வெயிலடிக்கும்? எப்ப மழை பெய்யும்னு.   இந்த பாட்டு போடு சொன்னா அது செய்யும்.

சாலா மாமி: எங்காத்த ஃபேன் போட்டுட்டு வந்திருக்கேன்னு நினைக்கிறேன்.  போயி ஆஃப் பண்ணட்டும்.

எச்சுமி: நானும் மோட்டார் ஓன் பண்ணி வெச்சுருக்கேன் நினைக்கிறேன்.               போயிட்டு வரேன்.

சச்சு: அலெக்சா – ஏமாறாதே! ஏமாறாதே! பாட்டு போடு!!



Posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2020 by CHANDRU


I have made a small attempt to bring out my mind in a subtle way.All characters are fictional. 

                                                           குட்டி மாமி

குட்டி மாமி:  எவட்டி, எங்கடி போனேய்?

கோமா:    வேற எங்க போக? நம்ம கோவிலுக்குத்தான் போறேன்.                                    உங்க பையனுக்கு பொண் ஏதாவது கிடச்சுதா?

குட்டி மாமி:  அத ஏன் கேக்கறாய்? போன மாதம் நம்ம மொட்ட           சங்கரனோடு சொந்தத்தில ஒரு ஜாதகம் வந்தது. சுமாரா பொருத்தம். அவ படிப்பு இல்லை. ஸ்திரமா வேலயும் இல்லை.

கோமா:  ஆரே சொல்லறேள்?

குட்டி மாமி:   பொண்ணோட அப்பாவ. அவள் 10 வரெ படிச்சாளாம்.                                    மேல்கொண்டு படிக்க வசதில்லயாம். தையல் படிச்சாளாம்.

கோமா: எந்த ஊராம் அவாளுக்கு?

குட்டி மாமி: எல்லாம் இங்க உள்ளூர் தான். கிழக்கு மேற்கு வடக்கு தெரு தான்.

கோமா:  அப்றம்?

குட்டி மாமி: நான் இங்க என்ன கதயா சொல்றேன்? என் வயித்தெரிச்சலகொட்டிகிண்டிருக்காய். உனக்கு நேரமாச்சுன்னா கோவிலுக்கு

போ – கோவில் நடயடச்சுடுவா.

கோமா:    நீங்க மேல சொல்லுங்கோ.  என்னாலாவது கேட்டுத்தான் ஒங்கிளஹெல்ப் பண்ண முடியும். கோவிலுக்கு சாயங்காலவும் போகலாமே.

குட்டி மாமி:  அவா ஊரு பாஞ்சாலங்குறிச்சி. ஆனாலும் பாக்கலாமே பார்த்தேன். ஆனா, அவா பொண்ணுக்கு கவர்மெண்ட் மாப்பிள்ளையா தான்பார்க்கறாளாம். உள்ளூர் தான் வேணுமாம். ரொம்ப கண்டிஷன் போட்டா.

கோமா: அப்பறம் என்ன சொன்னா?

குட்டி மாமி:   கவர்மெண்ட் வேலையில்லைன்னா 2 வீடாவது சொந்தமாஇருக்கணுமாம். அது சரிப்பட்டு வரும்னு தோணல்லை.

கோமா: ஆமாம், ஒங்க பையன் என்ன படிச்சிருக்கான்?

குட்டி மாமி:   அவன் டிகிரி படிச்சுட்டு அங்க இங்க திருஞ்சுண்டிருக்கான்.                 எதோ பார்க்ல வேலக்கு போறான். காலேல கார் வந்து கூட்டிண்டு போகும. அப்றம் ராத்ரிதான் வருவான். அவனுக்கு ஒரு கால் கட்டு போட்டாதான்எனக்கு நிம்மதி வரும்.

கோமா:  கெட்ட பழக்கம் ஏதாவது?

குட்டி மாமி:  அந்த காக்கா கடேல போயி ஜூஸ் கூட குடிக்க மாட்டான்.

கோமா:   காக்கா கடயா, அது எங்க? அங்க என்ன விசேஷம்?

குட்டி மாமி:  அதா, அது எல்லா பசங்களும் அங்க போயி ஜூஸ், அந்த புழுங்கின முட்டை எல்லாம் சாப்பிடறாளாம்.  அது உனக்கு தெரியாதா?

கோமா:   அய்யோ. தெரியவே தெரியாது. எனக்கு பிள்ளை இல்லாதது நன்னாச்சு.

குட்டி மாமி:  இவனுக்கு அந்த ட்ரம், பீர், பிராந்தி பழக்கவும் கிடையாது.                      அவ அப்பாவ போலத்தான். ஆனா என்ன செய்ய? அந்த மனுஷன் முன்னாலயே போயி சேந்தாச்சு, என்ன தவிக்க விட்டுட்டு.  பகவான் ஏதாவது பாத்து வச்சிருக்கமாட்டாரா என்ன? வேளை வரல்ல போலிருக்கு. எனக்கு ஒரே பயம். கல்யாணம் இப்படி நீண்டு போயிண்டிருந்தா எவளேன் இவன இழுத்துண்டு ஓடிடவாளோ – அப்றம் நான் ஒத்தேல கஷ்டப்பட வேண்டி வருமோன்னு.  அதொண்ணும் பாக்க வைக்காம என்ன சீக்கரம் அவரோட சேர்க்க  அந்த பகவாண்ட தினமும் வேண்டிண்டிருக்கேன்.

கோமா: சரி மாமி, போயிட்டு வரேன். எங்கிட்ட ஏதாவது ஜாதகம் வந்தா கொண்டு வரேன்.

குட்டி மாமி: கையில என்னது?

கோமா:  கணபதி ஹோம பிரசதாவும் அப்பவும்

குட்டி மாமி: இங்க கொஞ்சம் கொண்டா. அவ்வளவும் நீயே சாப்பிடப் போறயா?எல்லாருக்கும் குடுக்கலாமே.

“எல வேணோ, எல, வாழத்தடா!”

குட்டி மாமி:     ஓ! அந்த புஷ்கலை மலக்கரி கொண்டு வரா. ஏதாவது வாங்கறயா?

கோமா:   வேண்டாம். எல்லா மலக்கரியும் இருக்கு. அவர் வாரா வாரம் சாலைலபோய் வாங்கிண்டு வந்திடுவார்.

குட்டி மாமி:  உனக்கு தெரியுமோ, அந்த புஷ்கலை, அதுதான் அந்த காய்கறிக்காரி, மதம் மாறிட்டாளாம். சிவா சிவா! இனி என்னெல்லாம்பாக்கணுமோ?

கோமா:  சரி மாமி, நான் கிளம்பறேன். நாளைக்கு பார்க்கலாம்.





Posted in Hospitality Services - Accomodation on July 19, 2016 by CHANDRU

Royal heritage blog

Its indeed happy to come back to blog after a long gap, now it’s our HOTEL in Trivandrum.

If I call it Hotel, it would be wrong, if I call it Homestay that to would be wrong, it just a HOME away HOME of yours, unbelievable…. Let me start to explain why.

The Owner of the property named “Muppadikka Amma Veedu” the buildings construction termed it “ETTU KETTU”. The Owner Mr.K.S. Nair, known to me offered that I should run his business, after deliberating with various well-wishers and adviser’s, I had nodded YES to him after a period of about 40 days in MAY 2015.

With my little knowledge, along with my partners, we made a plan to renovate the building and thus we decided that this 130-year-old heritage property in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city may retain its old name for operations “THE ROYAL HERITAGE” a home away.

The renovation of such an old building was not as expected and planned and we facing a new problem every other day from the start of Registration of a new company by name “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, which took nearly 2 months, the budget for renovation exceeded the projection by about 40%, and finally a soft launch happed on “CHINGAM 1” i.e. 2015, 17th August.

This 16 room Heritage Hotel at par with all 3 star facilities except swimming pool, started selling rooms online from the 1st of September, and we touched more than 60% occupancy within a span of 15 days.

For this 16 well-appointed rooms, we had a staff strength of 19, since we expected that we could win hearts through better ‘Guest Experiences”, for our growth. This was possible and successful because we (DIVINE group) being in customer service since 1984 could understand, plan & execute well.

This 16 room Heritage property situated on 41 cents of land houses an Ayurveda treatment centre by nearly 140-year-old VASUDEVA VILASA M, with 5 rooms for Massage and a doctor from 8 am to 5 pm, 2 masseurs add up to their team. They offer OIL & POWDER massages based only on doctors’ consultation and advice which is free and their in-house dispensary cater the needs of all Ayurveda medicines.

“THE ROYAL HERITAGE” by “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, is strategically located in Thiruvananthapuram, in Vanchiyoor village. Kaithamukku BSNL Exchange is the nearest building and its beneath UPPIDAMOODU ROB. It’s in SREEKANDESWARAM WARD under FORT post office.,76.9387927,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3b05bb989c18db33:0xf93831e001a6f2a6!8m2!3d8.4893557!4d76.9409814?hl=en



“THE ROYAL HERITAGE” by “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, is just a 1.5 kms away from Trivandrum Central railway station & KSRTC Bus stand. (TVC),+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/Railway+Station+Parking+Area,+Salem+-+Kochi+-+Kanyakumari+Highway,+Thampanoor,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/@8.4872558,76.9394596,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bb989c18db33:0xf93831e001a6f2a6!2m2!1d76.9409814!2d8.4893557!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bba8ea38633f:0xc30dfae70270bbf0!2m2!1d76.9539539!2d8.4868346!3e0?hl=en


“THE ROYAL HERITAGE” by “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, is just a 1.4 kms away from Trivandrum Pettah (TVP) railway station & 6.4 kms from Kochuveli Railway Station (KCVL).,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/Kochuveli+Railway+Terminus,+Veli+Venpalavattom+Road,+Kochuveli,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/@8.4952449,76.9015607,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bb989c18db33:0xf93831e001a6f2a6!2m2!1d76.9409814!2d8.4893557!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bc1646bea769:0x540f39422dbbdb1d!2m2!1d76.8971128!2d8.5098022!3e0?hl=en

“THE ROYAL HERITAGE” by “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, is just a 3.6 kms away from Trivandrum International Airport (T2) (IATATRVICAOVOTV.,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/Trivandrum+Airport,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/@8.4870984,76.9174903,15.51z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bb989c18db33:0xf93831e001a6f2a6!2m2!1d76.9409814!2d8.4893557!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bb801384b295:0x1d59f5a4731d65f7!2m2!1d76.9198194!2d8.4834201!3e0?hl=en


“THE ROYAL HERITAGE” by “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, is just a 8 kms away from Trivandrum  Airport Domestic Terminal (T1) (IATATRVICAOVOTV.,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/Domestic+Airport+Terminal+2+Parking+Lot,+Palayam+Airport+Road,+Vallakkadavu,+Valiathope,+Thiruvananthapuram,+Kerala/@8.4813342,76.9059651,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bb989c18db33:0xf93831e001a6f2a6!2m2!1d76.9409814!2d8.4893557!1m5!1m1!1s0x3b05bb7dfbc5d12f:0x187f8b7ae4c8e057!2m2!1d76.91866!2d8.4757437!3e0?hl=en



  • 800 meters to Shree Padmanabha Swami Temple
  • 300 meters to Sreekandeswaram Shiva Temple
  • 1000 meters to Chalai Central Bazar.
  • 1000 meters to MG road were Jayalekshmi Textile, Pothys Super store, Pizza Hut, Thomas cook- foreign exchange is available, SMSM Institute for Handicrafts, Secretariat etc prominent among.
  • 300 meters to most of the major bank’s & their ATM’s, Bakery, Medical Stores.
  • 1000 meters to Multi Speciality Hospital SP FORT, the emergency services available for us within 5 minutes.
  • Within 1000 meters there are 13 wedding halls(Country’s), more than 20 eateries major of them pure Vegetarian’s such as Udupi Hotel, Venkatesa bhavan, Sastha sweets, Balaji café to name a few.
  • 700 meters to “Villa Maya” the “Upscale global cuisine presented in an elegant, restored 18th-century home with a garden patio”
  • 4000 meters to Trivandrum Medical College and 8000 meters to KIMS Multispecialty hospital.
  • 1000 meters to Vinayaka Traders an exclusive Pooja Outlet.

“THE ROYAL HERITAGE” by “DIVINESATKRITI HOSPITALITY SERVICES LLP, arranges you  CELCABS on call 24 Hour TAXI service, for hassle free travel, the most reliable in Trivandrum city for more than a decade through it associate firm DIVINE CALLS .

Finally there might be a question whether this will fit in your Pocket, our current prices range between 1500/-* to 2000/-* (Current year 16-17- subject to change w/o notice) Check online for updated price and discounts. SO GO LOG ON BOOK YOUR ROOMS its so easy to do it online (

The Rooms are of 3 categories, with room sizes as mentioned below

Economy- 172 Sq.ft., Standard 194 Sq.ft., and Heritage 270 Sq.ft.,   We have taken utmost care to keep the heritage look & feel of the Property for you.

The property has all amenities of a 3 STAR HOTEL except for the Swimming pool, but still we have branded it as HOME away HOME

The Property’s Lighting is in line with the Heritage look, with power saving LED Lights, 24 X 7 Power through DG SET, Hot water using Solar Power, Separate Smoking Tower, Free Breakfast to choose from a variety of South Indian/Kerala Foods to keep you light on your stomach.
32” LED TV with 289 most wanted Channels, coffee/tea maker, Free Wi-Fi


In case of emergency if any one whom is not aware of the dress code to visit Lord Padmanabha, we support them with Dhothi’s.

In last 10 months, Nationals from more than 45 countries had stayed in this property and we have sold more than 4000 room nights with an occupancy rate of more than 85%.

It is also a great privilege to get the following from


The Royal Heritage 72 Reviews

 #4 of 97 B&Bs / Inns in Trivandrum


Excellent 8.7 /10 Score from 294 reviews                                

Staff  9.1


The above are the results of our hard work, commitment and desire to excel

There are Lot of people whom had worked hard and still working for such ratings in our services and acknowledge their contributions.


The Address Card:

The Royal Heritage Hotel

  • Muppadikka Amma Veedu, 28/994
  • Sreekanteswaram, Next to Kaithamukku BSNL,
  • Trivandrum -695023, Kerala
  • Call us: +91 9745489057
  • E-mail:




2010 in review

Posted in Uncategorized on January 2, 2011 by CHANDRU

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,000 times in 2010. That’s about 5 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 9 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 10 posts. There were 42 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 50mb. That’s about 4 pictures per month.

The busiest day of the year was February 18th with 126 views. The most popular post that day was GURUVAYOOR SRI SANKARANILAYAM GUEST HOUSE.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for brahmana samooham guruvayur, guruvayur brahmana samooham, sree sankara nilayam guruvayoor, sankara nilayam guruvayoor, and sankara nilayam guruvayur.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.




Guruvayoor Sankara Nilayam Guest House 2 February 2010


CELCABS TRIVANDRUM Introduces the FIRST Lady TAXI Driver in Kerala January 2010


Appeal for Karthik Paramesh Calicut February 2010


Appeal For Lekshmanan 21 Engg. Student for Medical AID February 2010


Posted in Uncategorized on December 17, 2010 by CHANDRU

Tri Shiva perur alias Trichur the cultural capital of Kerala, .

Parasurama, the legendary hero who is said to have reclaimed Kerala from the sea by a miraculous feat. In historical times Trichur was a suburb of Musiris (present Cranganore) the capital of the ancient Chera Empire, an international Emporium where most of the ancient trading nationals of the world had their settlements.

A place of great antiquity, Trichur was also known by such names as   ‘Vrishabhadripuram’ and ‘Ten Kailasm’ in ancient days

I am here at the feet of Lord Vadakkunathar(Vadakunnathan, Lord of the North, is a name of siva)

Trichur may be called the land of elephants as SURIN is in Thailand

My first visit to Trichur was during 1988-89, I was just 22, enroute my tour to Malampuza dam with my company fellows, we dropped at Trichur for lunch, that’s what all I remember. After that I had been there for so many times but not as free as I am now.

Just because of my kids, I did plan to stay at Trichur for 2 days, since both of them need to participate in Marrs spelling bee`s, national level competition being conducted at Chitilappaly  about 9 kms from Trichur on Guruvayoor route, near   AMALA Hospital.

Chitilappaly is the home town of an  engineer (Kochuouseph Chitilappaly), whom had started manufacturing Voltage Stabilizers in his backyard, selling all by himself on to stores on his two wheeler(lambretta) and now a proud leader of an conglomerate Consisting of V guard-stabilizers, V star churidhars, V, Nite solutions on IT sector, Veegaland amusement park in Cochin,  Wonderla  in Bangalore and much more in the offing. A big transformation from a 50 stabilizer a month unit in 1977 to this level in just 25 years. Just for information……………..

On my discussion about my travel with my friend Adv.Sriram in Trivandrum, he offered that I should stay at a place, which I would like and had given his sister SITA`s number, since her in laws own a lodge by name GURUKRIPA in Trichur.

Sita`s father in law S.V.V Ramaswamy Iyer, native of Bramadesam near Ambasamudram in Tirunelveli district, migrated to Trichur in early 1810`s.

This family established a lodge called Gurukripa lodge around 1940 (exact year not known) Mr. S.V.VenkatramaIyer brother of S.V.V Ramaswamy Iyer is one of the founder member of Dhanalekshmi BanK, HQ at Thrissur

Thrissur means Vadakunnathar temple & Swaraj Round  and Gurukripa lodge is located within 15 meters from Swaraj  round sharing boundary with Hotel Pathans and 100 meters from Vadakunnathar temple`s south side, where the KUDAMATTAM (exchange of Umbrellas ) Happens during the famous Thrissur Pooram.

Gurukripa Lodge is located is in a 30 cents land (approx 5 grounds), Railway station and KSRTC bus station is located within 1000 meters. Autos may charge some were between 10 to 15 Rs.

The rooms are spacious enough for 2, with teak cots and furniture’s almost heritage ones, with attached bathrooms. Hot water Greasers are available outside the block, you need to carry yourself in a bucket if you require. Ground water is abundant, used here.

The compound if full of greenery with Muringa, Arya Veppu, Mavu, Tulasi, Thetti, Manjal, Nandiyarvatta, Peraikka etc.

This building and surroundings make you feel that you are in a village

This lodge provides you EPABX telephones in your room, 24 X 7 powers with Genset if EB power fails Multi channel Cable television from TCV.

This building is made up of “Vettukallu” which have a lot of pores within, which circulates Air, hence AC is not required even if you are in peak summer. You do also have  MACHIL and this property is a two storied tiles building consisting of about 20 odd rooms.

Room rents vary from ` 175.00 to 360.00 depending on floor and occupancy.

If you stay here all your childhood memories will come to you.

You have 2 vegetarian restaurants within 10 meters of Gurukripa.

CANCER Detection Camp 14.05.2010, Trivandrum

Posted in Health on May 9, 2010 by CHANDRU

Dear ALL

 Regional Cancer Association, Trivandrum is conducting a Free Cancer Check Up for Women over 35 years, under the leadership of Shri.P.Jananrdhana Iyer,Msc,F.I.C, the Honorory Secretary of this unit.

 This check up cost Rs.925.00 in Trivandrum RCC, which is free now.

 The venue is Government UPS, Fort Trivandrum (SATRAM SCHOOL),  situated in second Puthen street, Manacaud Post, Trivandrum 9.

 (2kms from railway station/Bus stand. Rs.15.00 for Auto)

 The Camp is conducted on 14.05.2010.

 Timing 9 AM awareness class (all must attend this class)

Check up starts from 10.00 Am

 Please insist your parent, relatives and friends in Trivandrum(over 35 years of age) to register and make them available for the camp, do not miss this opportunity.

 More details of this could be availed from 


2)0471-2462140 (Janardhana Iyer- could speak to him on Tamil)

3) email:

Or send your following details to my mail id:   (+919995211666)





Phone No:

Email address:



Samasti Upanayanam Trivandrum Kerala-16.05.2010

Posted in Community-Religious function on April 20, 2010 by CHANDRU

Dear All,

Kerala Brahamana Sabha on 16.05.2010, along with Sankara jayanthi Celebrations at Durga devi Kendram, Karumam, Trivandrum.

A special committee chaired by Shri Lekshmana Iyer (9447428305) & convener Mr.Thanumoorthy (9446503642) is heading this Upanayanam committee.

Any body interested to do Upanayanam for their wards or that of an relative or known person shall contact at the following address.
Kerala Brahamana Sabha
Utsavamadom Building, fort Post,
Trivandrum 695023
Phone: 0471-2470826
Mobile: 0447025366 (Suresh)

The Vaidhika expenditure per Vadu is expected too be around Rs.5000/- hence interested people shall sponsor or donate liberally to this cause. it is expected that there may be a minimum of 20 Vadus this year also.

This is for information

If any one of you need further assistance, you shall contact me , I will make necessary arr arrangements for the information from the relevant persons.

Chandru, Trivandrum 
9995211666, 9249410333

Appeal For Lekshmanan 21 Engg. Student for Medical AID

Posted in Uncategorized on February 23, 2010 by CHANDRU

Dear ALL

 Kindly consider this appeal  


This is a about Mr. Lekshmanan (M-21) alias Raja son of Mr.Seetharaman (Late).

 On 20.01.2010 on his way back to home from college with a friend on a Bike, by around 16.00 hrs, the bike he was travelling collided head on with another bike and all of them were taken to Trivandrum Medical College .

 Mr.Lekshmanan had a fractured leg and severe burns in his back and front as per initial assessment at Trivandrum Medical College .

 But since Mr.Lekshmanan had other symptoms and could not move the right hand, he was taken to Kim’s hospital immediately. Since his condition deteriorated and the burned areas got infected he was moved to Special ICU and was on ventilator for nearly 7 days costing about Rs.40000.00 per day.

 At KIMS Mr.Lekshmanan had undergone a “Vascular Surgery” on the right side in the midnight of 20.01.2010, further to than a rod was inserted on his right thigh, on a later surgery plates were inserted in his Jaws, after a week a plastic surgery was done on his back area.

 He has tube inserted for foods since the operation on the jaws.

 Mr.Lekshmanan need to undergo one more operation after a month and has to do

Physiotherapy for a Year

 Born to Mr.Seetharaman (Late) & Mrs. Meenakshi Seetharaman (Latha) and brought up in Trivandrum , Mr.Lekshmanan after finishing his + 2 (computer science) at SMV SCHOOL , Trivandrum had Joined Mohandas Engineering College , ANAD, via Nedumangadu on the outskirts of Trivandrum (20 Kms) and was undergoing the final semester in mechanical Engineering. Exams are expected in a month or so.

 Since Mr.Seetharaman who was doing Support on Sales and service of HT Generators passed away in 2004, Mrs. Meenakshi Seetharaman livelihood is earned by working as maid servant in the Brahmin family homes. She has been availing free 5 kilo Rice from Sree Dharma Sastha Kshema Nidhi, Trivandrum . They are living in a rented house of

Rs.1000/- Mrs. Meenakshi Seetharaman need to take care of the studies of Mr.Lekshmanan, and her 2nd sibling Miss.Aiswarya.

 Miss.Aiswarya is to write her 10th final exams in couple of week’s time.

 A mama by name Mr.Ramdoss and another mami is helping them financially for the studies of Miss.Aiswarya and Mr. Lekshmanan.

 Mr. Lekshmanan has availed an Education loan of about 1.6 lakhs from State Bank of Travancore, Karamana Branch in Trivandrum .  

It said that even though at the eve of her 10th Exams, Miss Aiswarya is leading & handling her brother’s requirement with the help of many a friends of Mr.Lekshmanan. Fellow students are helping the family in their daily chores also.

 Till date the treatment expenditure has exceeded FIVE lakhs and is expected some where around SEVEN or even more.

 The college Management and the students had organised about 2 Lakhs and the relatives about a Lakh and fifty. The Son of the MD of the Hospital is known to Mr.Lekshmanan, hence the management has agreed for some discounted rates. Altogether they had paid something above 3.5 lakhs.

 Still there is a deficit of about 3 lakhs plus


Sincerely praying to God almighty for guidance and healing. Please help them financially as they have no other source.

 Mrs. Meenakshi Seetharaman residential address is B.Meenakshi, N-4 “Kripa” Shastri Nagar, Kunjalamoodu, Karamana Post, Trivandrum – 695 002.

 Her contact mobile no is + 91 9895 228 082

 I am herewith enclosing the certificate issued from KIMS Hospital , Mohandas Engg. College, an appeal from Mrs. Meenakshi Seetharaman.

 Kindly do the need full

 Ramakrishnan alias Kutty Kannan

Second Puthen Street ,
